for a Better Insight
On ADdiction
This website was created by a current student to provide an overview of addiction and share insights from conducted interviews. Please note that the interviewees are not responsible for the content of this site. For questions or corrections, kindly email
This site was made based on interviews featuring 20 Korean psychiatrists and professors. Thank you everyone for making this possible.
Soonchunhyang University Korea University Yonsei University Hallym University Seoul University Chungang University Hanyang University Konyang University
Basic Terms and Definitions
Addiction is defined as the compulsive seeking and taking of substances despite experiencing negative consequences such as personal distress, loss of a job, or legal issues. It is characterized by a loss of control over behavior, continued use despite harmful effects, and strong cravings.
Dependence involves a physiological adaptation to a drug, where withdrawal symptoms occur if the substance is abruptly stopped. This can happen with many drugs, including prescribed medications like opioids for pain relief.
SUbStance USE DIsORder (DSM-5)
The DSM-5 (the fifth edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) refers to the problematic use of drugs as a substance use disorder or as a substance-induced disorder. This avoids using the word addict or dependence, which can be stigmatizing.
A substance use disorder is a continued use of the drug despite problems. The problems can include impairment, risks to your health, and brain changes. On the other hand, substance-induced disorder refers to things caused by drugs, including intoxication, withdrawal, or other toxic side effects.
Other behaviors, besides drug use, are included in the DSM, like gambling disorder. With additional scientific studies, other behaviors may be referred to as addictions or addictive-like states and may be included in future editions of the DSM.